Thursday, November 27, 2008

My "Thank You" list

Instead of a To Do list this Thanksgiving Day, I've decided to make a "thank you" list. Here we go...

  1. Thank you, boss, for my job. I know I don't always seem like I appreciate it. And, if I'm truly honest, I don't love it. But I am thankful to be employed.

  2. Thank you, mortgage company, for allowing me to live in my home. It keeps me warm and dry. I know I have to pay you to live there, but it's better than the alternative, which so many have had to do recently.

  3. Thank you, family, for loving me. I know I'm difficult sometimes (but hey... so are you,right? right? You know it's true!) I love you tons!

  4. Thank you, pastors, for leading me. Whether I know you personally or not, each one of you have spoken into my life in one way or another. From coast to coast, and even in Africa, my life is different because of how God is using you.

  5. Thank you, God, for your grace and unconditional love. I'm not sure where I'd be if we hadn't come face to face years ago. I'm thankful for how far you've brought me, and even more thankful you aren't leaving me here. Thank you for the trials, they've made me stronger. Thank you for letting me make mistakes, they've made me wiser. Thank you for letting me serve, it helps keep my pride in check. Thank you for salvation, it's made me whole. Thank you for your unconditional love, it guides me to love. Thank you for your Word, it gives me strength. Thank you for your Son, He's given me life. Thank you for nature, it reminds me who You are. Thank you for items 1-4 above, they are gifts from You.

What are you thankful for today?

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