Dow Jones is down, NASDAQ is down, housing values are down, consumer confidence is down, employment is down, commercial real estate is down, you wonder, is anything going up these days?Sometimes we forget how good God really is. How much he wants to fill us with his Living Water. How much he really loves us. The world throws all these distractions at us.
The opportunity to serve is going up
The market for hope is going up
The chance to build a life on a foundation that will endure through storms is going up
That’s true because certain fundamentals remain unchanged:
God remains sovereign
The beauty of forgiveness is still greater than the stain of sin
The Bible is still the Word of God
Prayer remains the most remarkable communication available to the human race
Love still defeats bigotry
Faith still beats despair
The greatest scandal in this sorry dark world is still the scandal of the cross
God’s mercies are still new every morning
The tomb is still empty
The church is still marching
The kingdom Jesus announced is still expanding and does not need a bail out or a stimulus package
You can listen or download the entire message here. The Me I Want To Be