Thursday, February 11, 2010

What's going up?

On my way to work this morning, I decided to do something I haven't done in a long time. I listened to a podcast. I chose North Point because Andy Stanley is one of my favorites. Of course, the podcast I selected wasn't him, but I decided to give it a chance. I realized it was John Ortberg and decided it was still a good choice. This quote stuck with me so I thought I'd share it.

Dow Jones is down, NASDAQ is down, housing values are down, consumer confidence is down, employment is down, commercial real estate is down, you wonder, is anything going up these days?

The opportunity to serve is going up
The market for hope is going up
The chance to build a life on a foundation that will endure through storms is going up

That’s true because certain fundamentals remain unchanged:
God remains sovereign

The beauty of forgiveness is still greater than the stain of sin

The Bible is still the Word of God

Prayer remains the most remarkable communication available to the human race

Love still defeats bigotry

Faith still beats despair

The greatest scandal in this sorry dark world is still the scandal of the cross

God’s mercies are still new every morning

The tomb is still empty

The church is still marching

The kingdom Jesus announced is still expanding and does not need a bail out or a stimulus package
Sometimes we forget how good God really is. How much he wants to fill us with his Living Water. How much he really loves us. The world throws all these distractions at us.

You can listen or download the entire message here. The Me I Want To Be

Monday, February 8, 2010

Saying Goodbye

As far as I can tell, goodbyes are never easy. They may be good sometimes but they are never easy.

This morning I said goodbye to an old friend. We depended on each other for a long time. There were very few days we didn't spend time together - only when one of us was sick or I was out of town for work. We planned to spend our next vacation together. We traveled together. We took kids to and from church. We helped friends and family move, and even moved together once.

It's funny how we get attached to our stuff. I'm amazed at how quickly and easily it can be replaced, many times with very little thought of it again.

You may have been beat up a bit, but maybe that's why we got along. I'll miss your sun roof, your hatchback with lots of cargo space, your roof rack (even though I never used it), and I'll miss your missing mirror. Rest well, wherever you go. Goodbye old friend.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Today, I got my first letter from my Compassion kid in Uganda. His name is Victory. What a great name! His actual name is Twesigyemukama Victory. Let's all say that together. Twi.. twes... twees.. tweyseeg... uh... I think I'll stick with calling him Victory.

Part of the letter (which is a form they fill out if they are able, and he is able) is to add some drawings, which I have included here.

Here's what he wrote:
Dear my beloved friend Karen,
Praise God Thank you For choosing
me to be your Friend.
I hope God will keep us alive and our frien
dship last. God bless you.

I typed it just like he wrote it so the line break is supposed to be there. This makes perfect sense to me, but they also added a translation, which doesn't make much sense at all. Maybe one day Victory will be a translator, but right now he wants to be a mechanic.

You know, sometimes it seems like our friends are too busy or that they have forgotten us. I'm glad to know that I have a young friend in Uganda who hopes our friendship lasts. I hope so too, Victory.