Friday, December 30, 2011

Almost there...

Moses fascinates me. Here's this guy who, by a strange set of circumstances, is watching his own people being mistreated as slaves in Egypt. He gets angry, kills a guy, then runs to the hills. Along comes a burning bush and turns his whole world upside down. He resists, as much as he can, the call on his life. He has a little debate with God about why he can't do what God is asking him to do. But, as usual, God wins and Moses becomes something he thought he could never be.

Fast forward a bit, and we find Moses at the end of Aaron's life, and God's telling him he's not going to make it to the Promised Land either. So what does ol' Mo do? He throws a tantrum, runs and hides in a cave and has a good old fashioned shouting match with God.

Wait... that's not right. He goes back to the Israelites and keeps leading them, knowing full well that he was not going to reap the benefits of all that time in the desert. Personally, being almost there, I think I may have opted for the shouting match.

The important thing is that we never stop...


Whatever it is God is calling us to do, we have to do it. And then, we have to keep doing it. Even if we think it's not going to turn out as we had planned.

Especially when we think it's not going to turn out as we had planned.

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